Mind Harvest by Dr. Rashmi
5 min readApr 26, 2021


everything happens for a ……..

when I started to pen down this blog coincidently I got a message from a friend asking if everything happens for good and for that reply, I told him that I will call him later as I was in a meeting and thought would call him the next day.

The next day before I could call him , I got the news that he met with a terrible road accident that night while going home from his office. for a moment I was blank and didn’t know how to react, I called his wife who was around, she told me how his whole body parts were fractured. the skull had broken. there was some internal bleeding but was stopped. such was the impact of that accident. I felt so shaken and felt as if he asked me again, does everything that happens is for good? what is the justification for this?

When I used to cry on a certain issue, my mom always told me that jo hota hai ache ke liye hota hai ( whatever happens, happens for good) and I used to wonder what’s so good in a situation where my heart is in pain, never got an answer myself but as I grew my age it became a belief in my head that everything happens for good no matter how terrible I must be feeling from inside, was I trying to console myself or was I trying to compromise with people and situations? never understood that time. There had been times when I had cried my heart out, prayed to the Lord to show me the way out, and asking him how to feel good if things around aren’t favorable. I only wanted freedom from the pain that I was going through. and that is what I was looking for, nobody, no even in schools we were taught how to deal with the feelings that we go through. Yes, life experiences made me ask myself these questions again and again and slowly unfold some realities of life.

what I understood when I started to knowing my true inner self through meditations and changing my mindset that everything happens for a reason whether it is good or bad that is the choice that we are making. I know when we go through awful situations it’s painful and by just saying it’s for a reason we won’t start to feel happy. because it is difficult to manage one’s pain. There is a choice that you can make to use this as an experience as an opportunity to empower yourself. you can choose to get a sense of meaning about all the pain. it’s difficult to accept that there is a reason behind the loss. but that’s a reality. I would like to quote

“I believe everything happens for a reason. people change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they are right, you believe lies so you must eventually learn to trust no one but yourself and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” — Marilyn Monroe

this phrase helps us to reflect and to understand that life has a bigger meaning so that we can see it as a bigger picture as if we are placing the puzzle pieces of our life and when it’s done to see how wonderful it looks. and all that pain, the struggle might may some sense. it also helps to ease the burden and then the healing starts. the process of letting go, trusting yourself helps to heal the cracks. In one of the books that I was reading, I can across a beautiful insight that I would like to share

“When you purposefully choose to tap into conscious insight you can see why and how to bend with stormy winds instead of angrily resisting the things that life is blowing at you what may have at first seemed deflating frustrating or painful can be experienced with conscious insight as an empowering growth opportunity “

when you will learn to tap into your consciousness, instead of being stuck in negativity you will believe all this is not for nothing you will find these moments bringing that sense of awareness. the understanding that why there is so much chaos around, or why did this happen to me. rather than getting into the mode of anger, you will learn to hold the sails in those stormy nights. by keeping that faith and willpower I’m sure things will fall into place.

There are times when we talk of karma or serendipity, it’s hard to explain but what is required in those moments to have hold something tight so that you don’t fall. life arrangements are such. I know it’s tough when life gets hard but to believe that everything happens for a reason will give some valuable introspection of life. just embrace your inner self and heart and get a feeling that the loss is not meaningless, it’s a chance to heal yourself. I would quote what Jim Carrey said

When I say life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you, I really don’t know if that’s true. I’m just making a conscious choice to perceive challenges as something beneficial so that I can deal with them in the most productive way”

In the end lets try to take responsibility and create meaning out of life’s biggest failures and setbacks, see what possibilities can we create to deal with what we are going through. The reasoning will lead to finding meaning and that will help increase awareness and get answers, try to take these moments as opportunities to create a new path, ultimately the freedom lies in self-questioning, it’s all how you accept reality and how you feel. I’m sure once my dear friend is out of hospital we will have a chat over this. Just that wish we had a word that day but I guess it had a reason, may be a learning for me to finish what begins at that time itself.



Mind Harvest by Dr. Rashmi

I'm a transformational coach, heartfulness meditation trainer. I'm on a mission to transform and help people know their true self and enjoy each moment of life!