Mind Harvest by Dr. Rashmi
3 min readMay 17, 2021

Imagine if Thanos from the Avengers series snaps his fingers and our unwanted habits change into the ones we always wanted, fun right

but sadly it doesn’t happen with that ease. we need to erase the old rigid habits to form new ones. they say that if we remove H from habit, the habit is “a bit “and if we again remove ‘a’ the habit is ‘bit’ and finally taking out ‘b’ from habit ‘it’ still remains. then how do we change, actually we don’t change we just replace the old ones with the ones that we need to cultivate.

We all have both bad and good habits and we all are well aware of them but where bad habits are concerned we feel very pessimistic to change them. we know we don’t have to spend long hours on mobile, or do extra eating, smoking but we still follow. I had been trying to get up early for years but in vain. I had no idea how to do it but then they say as there is will there is a way. Using willpower helped me a lot, an ability that I used to resist all those things that we like barriers. My mentor taught me that the moment I will use my will power it becomes stronger.

Every habit has a function, like eating junk gives pleasure to tastebuds or we know brushing teeth in the morning will prevent cavities. I always wanted to get up early as I’m a night owl and felt that getting early will make me sleepy the whole day and will drain my energies, silly me right but that’s the habit and that’s how it functions.

It’s been three weeks now that I have replaced this habit of mine and now I’m an early riser, feels so happy to say that. how did I do that? the first thing that I did was to train my mind that I have to get up early no matter what. it will sound funny but I trained my mind by saying successful people get up early and I want to be in that category so there you go one big reason for the habit to function. we need to have a strong reason to bring change. the best part is I started to feel I have more time in my hands and can manage my work well another beautiful reason.

the next thing that I did was I kept all the distractions away at night that pulled me sideways and didn’t allow me to sleep on time. we all get very tempted to use mobile to scroll as it gives a temporary rise of dopamine that makes us feel good but sadly for a short time and killing most of our precious time. I’m sure you all want to use time wisely and get up early :) so shut everything that distracts off.

I kept my alarm away from the place I sleep, as it rings I get up from bed to switch it off and I don’t look to the bed even if allures me to come back :) have a glass of water, and kick start the day. I never knew it was that easy, I was just procrastinating for a long. We start living in a comfort zone and anything that is outside that zone brings discomfort but to achieve some things in life we have to break that zone.

Just want to share a popular method that also helps me building this habit and that is 21 90.
Whatever your goal is that you want to achieve do it for 21 days. In three weeks it becomes a habit after that continue for 90 more days. and that’s the secret. and that’s how it will be engraved into your life. Remember to take one thing at one time and focus on that.

I saw drastic shifts happening in my life, more energy, more time in hand, better ideas started to generate, I’m no more a night owl as I get to sleep early :) well, these are my experiences you have to follow to see what experiences you get. what are you waiting for, get going!

If you want to improve your quality of life see what habits you can build. Challenge not with others but with yourself to rise above.

Mind Harvest by Dr. Rashmi

I'm a transformational coach, heartfulness meditation trainer. I'm on a mission to transform and help people know their true self and enjoy each moment of life!